Turkey Meatballs with Broccoli-Carrot Mash
As an MDA Worker Bee always on the lookout for new Primal dishes I’ve developed a few tricks. My favorite method is by scanning different restaurant menus and then finding substitutes for highly-processed or high-carb ingredients, and through a system of trial-and-error, creating a new Grok-inspired treat.
Last week I wandered around Brooklyn’s Smith Street to see what I could do about the strange wintry-food yen I was experiencing (how could I crave hot stew in 90 degree weather?). I discovered it was not so strange – there are plenty of people enjoying winter eats even in the crux of July. Beef stew, macaroni and cheese, pork shoulder are all top menu items even while city temperatures skyrocket. When I asked a staff member at one of the restaurants why these items stayed so popular, even during months when people would seem to want lighter fare, he replied these meals were “the most satisfying.” Good taste, I suppose, knows no weather.
99 ways to save money on food
How to Shop
2. Buy “Thrift Cuts”
3. Buy off-label/store brands
4. Negotiate at the Farmers’ market
5. Shop at a warehouse club for select food items
6. Buy local
7. When on sale, stock up
8. Buy in bulk
9. Buy frozen veggies
10. Buy canned veggies
11. Use coupons
12. Shop the perimeter. Don’t buy processed/branded food items.
13. Double coupons
14. Check with grocery store to see if they accept expired coupons
15. Don’t buy things just because they are cheap. If you don’t end up using it no matter how cheap it was it’s lost money.
16. Put “blinders” on while in the checkout aisle. Avoid making last minute impulse buys.
17. Check the unit price on grocery store price tags
18. Bring your own bags. Some grocery stores will give you cash back for using your own.
19. Check your receipt. Even computers make mistakes.
20. Comparison shop – Buy from the cheapest grocery store (Whole Foods is expensive)
21. Use a grocery store membership card
22. Don’t shop hungry
23. Make a shopping list and stick to it
24. Only buy veggies the day you are going to use them to avoid spoilage/waste
25. Buy from ethnic food stores
26. Have a budget and stick with it
27. Shop at roadside markets
28. Shop alone
29. Buy in-season
30. Check expiration dates before buying
31. Minimize travel time to grocery store. Fewer trips and staying local means less gas spent.
32. Only buy organics when it makes sense
33. Do all your grocery shopping on one day of the week, and don’t spend money on food the rest of the week, no matter what.
34. Give yourself a per-day rate. $12/day? $8/day? $5/day? Once you’ve spent that much on food, you can’t spend anymore until the next day.
35. Pay with cash. People tend to spend less when they pay with cash.
36. Don’t be tricked by the “5 for $5.” Most grocery stores give the discounted price even if you buy a single item unless the tag specifies otherwise.
37. Ask for a rain check if the store is out of the sale item
38. Check for purchase limits
39. Check for sale offer requirements (need to buy 2 to get deal)
40. Get cash back rewards from your credit card company
Prepare Your Own Food
41. Prepare your own food. Clean and chop your own greens instead of buying pre-packaged. Grate your own cheese. Dice your own veggies. Make your own ice. Food manufacturers charge a premium for convenience.
42. Learn to cook
44. Reuse coffee grounds
45. Make your own snacks (jerky, energy bars, dried fruit, nut snacks)
47. Pack your lunch for work
48. Make your own coffee
49. Find cheap recipes and use them often
50. Use cheap ingredients to spice up a meal
Dining Out
51. Don’t dine out (see #42)
52. If you must dine out and you have children use this iPhone app: KidsEatFree
53. If you eat out, share a dish. Many restaurants serve enough food for two people.
54. Don’t buy appetizers, desserts, or drinks at a restaurant
55. Avoid Starbucks at all costs
56. For fine dining, go during lunch. Many four star restaurants have separate lunch and a dinner menus. The dishes are all the same, it’s just a change in price.
57. Don’t pay for other peoples’ food. If the server won’t split the check, don’t be the person to be paid back later. We all know how well that works out.
58. 1 Beer at an L.A. Bar = 24 beers from the Liquormart = 48 generic cans of vegetables. Just stand around with a glass of water in your hand and pretend to be drunk.
Odds and Ends
59. Build your own garden and grow your own food
60. Join a CSA
61. Know how long foods last refrigerated/frozen
62. Don’t be wasteful. Eat your leftovers.
63. Hunt for dinner
65. And that includes inexpensive organ meats
66. Ditch specialty beverages and stick with water
67. Be adventurous. Try new things (the things that are cheaper).
68. Cowpool
69. Ditch alcohol
71. Eat less. Eat slower and practice portion control.
72. Experiment with Intermittent Fasting
73. Drink tap water instead of bottled water
74. Use the power of Google to find recipes for old pantry and freezer food items
75. Give up coffee
76. Eat calorie dense foods
77. Be prepared. Primalize your pantry and fridge, and keep it well stocked so you don’t find yourself tempted to order delivery.
78. Start your own farm
79. Recycle cans and bottles
80. Visit relatives. Most relatives offer food.
81. Learn to fish. This has worked for thousands of years.
83. If it is bite sized and you have to unwrap it, it’s probably not worth buying.
84. 90% of all meals can be prepared with a knife, a pan, and a flame. Don’t buy the de-crusting 5 minute magic grill cheeser. Don’t buy the juicer. And don’t, DON’T buy the slap chop.
85. Let the kids help with dinner. Don’t let them help with the grocery shopping.
86. The value meal has no value. Avoid this junk food at all costs.
87. Antioxidant juice? No. Try an antioxidant multivitamin supplement: orders of magnitude stronger, half as expensive, and 0 grams of sugar.
88. Substitute meat for eggs in some meals
89. Raid your great grandma’s recipe book. She cooked during the Great Depression. She knows the ropes.
Just for Fun
(because coming up with 99 ways to save money on food is much more difficult than saving money on food)
90. Stock up on free condiments from fast food joints, truck stops, cafeterias, and yes, churches.
91. Go to funerals. There’s always food at funerals.
92. Sign up to be on email lists for churches, support groups, political causes, and enthusiast clubs. Social groups often arrange get-togethers with free food to entice people to show up.
93. Abuse buffets
94. Want cheap eggs? Buy a chicken. You’ll be surprised at how many they can pop out.
95. Dumpster dive. Many grocery stores have a policy of throwing out certain foods after a certain number of days. Befriend your grocer, and ask him/her to set aside the toss-outs for you.
96. Try Responsibly Slim (shameless plug ). Where else can you get a well-rounded, delicious, quick and easy meal replacement for a buck and change?
97. Make like Ghandi and fast for a cause
99. Stray cats. (What? Meat is meat. Right?)
Eat bread!

Not just any bread. Eat the hearty whole-grain breads -- and cereals, pastas, pilafs, et al. -- that heart experts are so high on.
Not only are whole-grain foods much more nutritious and fiber-rich than processed white-flour products, but a new study shows they may help fight factors that can lead to diabetes, from blood sugar spikes to overeating. If you're even remotely at risk for diabetes, aim for about 6 servings of whole grains daily. Yes, tuna salad on whole wheat counts -- 2 servings.
Whole grains are crammed with fiber, B vitamins, and minerals (selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and zinc). This potent combination of nutrients helps regulate blood sugar and insulin, curb appetite, control cholesterol, and lower homocysteine, a substance strongly linked with heart disease, according to a major new study of almost 1,000 men and women. No wonder nutritionists have been chanting the whole-grain mantra for years. But now diabetes experts are chanting along with them.
Isabel De Los Rios
Well, this ezine article tells you about her book the Diet Solution.
If you want to buy it then it's about $40.
But, that's not why I am writing this.
She says this about bloating:
"One of the best ways to handle bloating (especially lower abdominal bloating) is to eliminate "wheat" based products for 2 weeks. The bloated belly is caused by gluten (a sticky substance in the wheat that has a glue-like consistency) and this gluten is extremely difficult to digest. In some people (especially women) this can produce digestive discomfort, gas and bloating. Wheat contains the highest amount of gluten than any other grain so decrease your consumption of breads, cereals, crackers and any foods with "wheat" on the label (whole-wheat or otherwise) for 14 days and see what a difference that can make."
You might also check out these two sites...
Foods to boost Libido
While celery may not be the first food that comes to mind when you're thinking sex, it can be a fantastic source food for sexual stimulation. This is because it contains androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration and turns women on.
How to enjoy this libido food: Celery is best eaten raw. Wash and cut some, and munch away.
2- Raw oysters
This is one of the classic sexy foods. Oysters are high in zinc, which raises sperm and testosterone production. Oysters also contain dopamine, a hormone known to increase libido. Also, the experience of shucking a raw oyster is erotic. Try incorporating it into your foreplay -- feed her and have her feed you. The slippery taste sensation and the mere act of shucking should get you both in the mood.
How to enjoy this libido food: Scrub the shells thoroughly to get any dirt or bacteria off. Pry them open and place them on a bed of ice, squeeze some fresh lemon onto them if you like, and then start shucking away.
3- Bananas
Bananas contain the bromelain enzyme, which is believed to increase libido in men. Additionally, they are good sources of potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin, which increase the body's overall energy levels.
How to enjoy this libido food: Place them on a dish in various states of "undress" and have your lady slowly eat some for you. Then gobble yours down and get to work.
4- Avocado
The Aztecs called the avocado tree ahuacatl or "testicle tree." While avocados can indeed look like that body part, they contain high levels of folic acid, which helps metabolize proteins, thus giving you more energy. They also contain vitamin B6 (a nutrient that increases male hormone production) and potassium (which helps regulate a woman's thyroid gland), two elements that help increase libido in both men and women.
How to enjoy this libido food: Cut one in half, scoop out the insides with your fingers, and then get your woman to lick it off.
5- Almonds (or nuts in general)
Almonds are a prime source of essential fatty acids. These are vital as they provide the raw material for a man's healthy production of hormones. Additionally, the smell of almonds is purported to arouse passion in females. Try lighting some almond-scented candles to encourage her mood and snack on some (but not too many) yourself to store up energy for your performance.
How to enjoy this libido food: Eat them raw (with no added salt or sweetness). Or, crush some fresh almonds and sprinkle them on your salad to get the energy you need.
6- Mangoes, peaches and strawberries
What can be more fun than sinking your teeth into a drippy, sticky-sweet fruit? Probably doing that as a prelude to (or during) sex. All of the above fruits and their shapes, textures and succulence are erotically suggestive and can be fun to use amid foreplay. Try dribbling the juices over your bodies and licking up the residue as an erotic game. It makes for a great (and tasty) way to discover each other's bodies.
How to enjoy this libido food: Peel the mango, cut the peach and slice up some strawberries, and feed your woman while she's giving you oral sex.
7- Eggs
Although not the most sensual of foods, eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5. These help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are crucial to a healthy libido. Eggs are also a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Some people will eat raw chicken eggs just prior to sex to increase libido and maximize energy levels. But all bird and fish eggs contain B6 and B5.
How to enjoy this libido food: Have some caviar and (a bit of) champagne during your fun or gobble down some hard-boiled eggs beforehand.
8- Liver
A good source of glutamine -- a cellular fuel for your immune system -- liver may indeed increase a slowed-down libido. Granted, it's not the sexiest of foods, but if you add it to your basic diet, your body -- and your lady -- will thank you for it.
How to enjoy this libido food: Try frying liver up in a pan with some onions, spices and olive oil to make the taste more agreeable.
9- Figs
These are high in amino acids, which are believed to increase libido. They can also improve sexual stamina. Furthermore, the shape of a fresh fig and the sweet, juicy taste are two tangible aspects that are highly pleasurable to the human senses.
How to enjoy this libido food: Feed her some fresh figs and let the juices run all wild while you're both getting revved up
10- Garlic
Yes, you might need to stock up on some extra breath mints, but it'll be worth it. Garlic contains allicin, an ingredient that increases blood flow to the sexual organs. As such, it's a highly effective herb to help increase libido. If the odor just won't work for you -- or you can't stand garlic -- you and your lady can always take garlic capsules instead.
How to enjoy this libido food: Well, chances are you can't enjoy garlic and sex simultaneously, so take some capsules and get it over with.
11- Chocolate
Aside from the fact that chocolate is the surest way to a woman's vagina, chocolate contains theobromine -- an alkaloid -- which is very similar to caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical believed to produce the feeling of "being in love." So, when your woman talks about how good chocolate makes her feel, there is some science behind it. In addition, dark chocolate has a massive amount of anti-oxidants, which are great for the body in general, as they help maintain the immune system.
How to enjoy this libido food: From chocolate bars to chocolate fondue, as long as it's chocolate, you and your woman will be in for a tasty session.
Source: http://www.propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=83
Broccoli Treatment
Recommended Intake and Preparation of Broccoli Treatment | ||
Introduction: | ||
Broccoli Treatment is a powerfull supplementary treatment and preventive against BPH, Prostatitis, IC(Interstitial Cystitis) and urinary tract infections (inc. bladder-, kidney-, vesicula seminalis infections, etc). | Want some contrasting viewpoints? Five years of online discussion and a lack of scientific consensus means there are different viewpoints on almost everything that can be discussed here. To learn those conflicting points, click on search, and enter the terms you are wondering about. | |
Broccoli Treatment (BT) has two effects at the same time. The first one is the anti-inflammatory action. The second one is the increasing of the immunological system. This two properties make the BT powerful. None of the medicine or antibiotics used in treating prostatitis increase directly your immunological system, on the contrary, they reduced it. | ||
In addition to these properties, Broccoli has an effect as antilithogen(solved stone) on Prostate stone. For the antilithogen effect you must applied BT at least for two months with double quantity of Broccoli. | ||
You can consume Broccoli both as a fresh vegetable or frozen. There is no difference between them in regards to the effects. The Broccoli Treatment is for 21days. Broccoli should be applied as a cure. Broccoli has no side effects and no interactions with medicine. | ||
Preparation: (see also FAQ) | ||
You use the woody stalk (base of the plant) and also use the flowering portion of the plant for the preparation. Minimum 250 grams (approx.. 9oz) broccoli should be boiled with low heat (closing the lid) in 1 liter (41/2 cups) water for 5 minutes.Half of the juice of the broccoli should be taken in the mornings (empty) and the other half evenings(empty). Use it all up each day and start fresh the next day. After it's consumed,you should not eat or drink anything (except water) for 20 minutes. It is also very advantageous to eat the boiled Broccoli for lunch. This application will be done everyday for one week. There will be a 3 day break at the end of every 7 th day. It should be done 21 days in total,not counting the breaks. | ||
PS:More than 250 grams Broccoli boiled in 1-liter water increases the efficacy. No more than 500 grams Broccoli in 1-liter of water is needed.
Attention: | ||
During the Broccoli Treatment, spice is absolutely forbidden, you should avoid from consuming all kinds of coffee and animal fat. | ||
Expected results during and after Broccoli Therapy:
Broccoli have the following properties you you profit simultaneously during the Broccoli Therapy:
| ||
If you have questions, please send me Email; | ||
Email: isaracoglu@superonline.com My HomePage: http://www.geocities.com/iastr/index.htm best regards | ||
SARACOGLU Ibrahim Adnan Prof.Dr. |
Alkaline diet
Strong well-nourished muscles automatically hold the body erect. When muscles have not received the food necessary for their repair, they lose their elasticity like old rubber bands. However, toxicity must be eliminated by maintaining a good acid-alkaline balance. We get out of balance from pollution, poor nutrition, faulty digestion and elimination. This can eventually lead to muscle weakness. When we do not eliminate toxins in normal elimination, our bodies collect mucus in which germs and viruses accumulate, which then cause toxin elimination through the eyes, ears, nose and throat. We can prevent colds and upper respiratory infections with a good alkaline diet.
How do we maintain a good alkaline diet?
We must include in our diet as many alkaline foods (known as acid binding foods) as we take in acid producing foods. The highest acid producing foods are the meats, chicken, fish, and eggs which are known as the "heavy proteins". That does not mean we cannot eat these foods, but they must be balanced with the alkaline producing foods - the fruits and vegetables.
A selection of tables was prepared by an expert of physiological chemistry, Ragnaar Berg, for the special laboratory for food research at the Laman Sanitarium of Germany. The higher the alkaline qualities, the more valuable these foods are as mucus eliminators. Black radish, when in season, spinach, dandelion and dill are all excellent internal scrubbers. In his charts he lists vegetables in their order of alkaline qualities from the highest to the lowest, beginning with the black radish and spinach and followed by dill, endive, tomato, dandelion, celery, cucumber, red beets, leeks, white turnips, sweet potatoes, string beans, white radish, potatoes, green peas, watercress, cabbage, artichokes, chicory, watermelon and red onions.
Figs head the list of alkaline producing fruits, followed by raisins, oranges, grapes, plums, dried dates, peaches, raspberries, sour cherries, apricots, pears, sweet cherries and apples.
The acid producing foods
The dried beans are acid producing foods, but soybeans are highly alkaline. Breads are listed from the highest to the lowest in acid production. Polished rice heads the list of acid producing breads, followed by white bread, then rye, barley and oats, Zwieback, farina, black bread, refined wheat, and macaroni. The least acid producing are unpolished rice and whole wheat.
So, how is your alkaline count?
It really isn't so complicated to obtain maximum health. We must drink good water, exercise to get oxygen to all our cells, avoid the highly refined foods, the empty calorie foods (especially those containing white flour and white sugar). We must get plenty of fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains, include large portions of raw foods (enzymes are destroyed when food is cooked above body temperature), and we must look at foods and decide for ourselves if our Creator put them on earth for us to eat or if man is making money at our expense. It's most beneficial to do a cleansing program to eliminate pollution from our bloodstream. Most important of all, we must avoid mental pollution by thinking wellness and believing in wellness.
Your mom said to eat your vegetables. A little girl eating her dinner with her mother on an airplane looked up and saw a flashing sign. "What does that say?" she asked. Her mother replied, "Fasten your seatbelt and eat your vegetables."
For years, celery has been touted by Chinese medicine as a treat for your blood pressure, thanks to a heart-healthy phytochemical compound called phthalide. It's known to help relax artery walls, allowing for faster, freer blood flow. And in early animal research, a daily extract providing the nutritional equivalent of about four stalks of celery helped reduce blood pressure 12–14 percent. Find out how celery can help prevent your arteries from hardening, too.
However, Bowden notes that celery is one of the more pollutant-prone veggies and so recommends going organic when you can. Find out which other fruits and veggies tend to get dirtiest.
Recipe Corner
What subtle celery lacks in flavour, it makes up for in texture. Use it to enhance soups, salads, side dishes, and even sandwiches. Like with these easy recipes from EatingWell:
- Try this healthier and even more flavorful version of a classic: Curried Waldorf Salad.
- Make this dazzling, savory rice dish that is anything but bland: Jeweled Golden Rice.
- Create this not-so-naughty sandwich that quiets chicken-wing cravings: Buffalo Chicken Wrap.

2 celery hearts
2 onions, chopped
2 carrots, diced
300ml/10fl oz veal stock
1. Because celery has a very pungent taste it benefits from par-boiling beforehand.
2. Wash and trim the celery hearts to about 15cm/6in long. Halve lengthways and par-boil in salted water for 7 minutes. Drain well.
3. Put the chopped onions and carrots into the bottom of a heavy-based pan or flameproof dish. Lay the celery hearts on top and cover with a good veal stock.
4. Bring to the boil and then braise, uncovered, at 160-180C/325-350F/Gas 3-4 for 1 hour until the celery is very tender. By this time the stock should be of a syrupy consistency. If it is not, remove the vegetables on to a serving dish and keep warm. Boil the stock rapidly until it reaches the right consistency and pour over the vegetables.
30 minutes to prepare
Cooking time 1-2 hours
More celery recipes

by Alex Mackay from Ready Steady Cook
In a study using mice that suggested some plants help protect the brain, luteolin, a chemical in celery, reduced brain inflammation linked to Alzheimer's disease:
[...] The compound, luteolin, has been shown in previous studies to hinder inflammation in cells belonging to the lungs, prostate and gums. In this study, researchers used luteolin to block the inflammatory response of the brain's immune system, opening the door to potential treatments for diseases of the brain.Before you go stuffing your face with celery, know that it may not be enough to stave off Alzheimer's. In order to be able to eat enough celery to get to the comparable levels of luteolin used in the study you'd have to take a dietary supplement."When the body's nervous system is stimulated by pathogens, like a typical infection, the immune system conveys a message to the brain," said Rodney Johnson, professor of Animal Sciences and author of the study. "The immune cells located in the brain respond to that signal and produce more inflammatory molecules, which are thought to contribute to the exacerbation of neurodegenerative diseases.
"Luteolin has the ability to inhibit the production of these inflammatory molecules," Johnson said. "This could slow the progression of certain neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or multiple sclerosis."
Peanut Butter
Although many studies have suggested that taking high-dose vitamin E supplements may cause lung cancer, one new study bucks the trend. It revealed a possible lung benefit from dietary E -- the kind you get from peanut butter, nuts, and seeds.
Foods You Can Use
It's another argument for getting the nutrients you need from foods, not pills. In the study, people who had the highest intake of vitamin E from foods had a 55 percent lower risk of lung cancer compared with the people who got the least amount of vitamin E in their diets. Dietary alpha-tocopherol, the type of E found in peanut butter and oil-based salad dressings, was particularly protective.
Spicy Peanut Noodles
- 12 ounces whole-wheat pasta
- 1/2 cup natural peanut butter
- 3/4 cup boiling water
- 4 sliced scallions
- 4 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
- 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- Cayenne pepper, to taste
- Sliced cucumber, for garnish
1. Cook pasta in a large pot of lightly salted boiling water until just tender, according to package directions. Whisk peanut butter with boiling water in a bowl until smooth. Stir in scallions, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, sugar and cayenne. Toss with hot pasta. Garnish with cucumber. Serve hot or at room temperature. |
Soups - 1
Gordon Ramsay: The carrot and squash start to break down after half an hour’s cooking and, together with the starch from the pasta, will thicken the soup without the need for a blender. This is great for a hungry family.
Soups - 2
Lucas Hollweg: This is one of those thick, meal-in-a-bowl-type soups that winter is made for. You could use curly kale or cavolo nero instead – leaves only.
Soups - 3
Thomasina Miers: Tuck in . . . for a low-calorie winter warmer full of supernutrients and spicy flavours
Soups - 4
Heston Blumenthal: This is currently on the menu at The Hinds Head, my pub next to The Fat Duck. Although it is a warm and deeply satisfying dish, it has a fresh and vibrant character.
Soups - 5
Gordon Ramsay: This is a stunning soup with a fantastic, velvety texture, perfect for serving as a first course for a dinner party. Cooked and peeled chestnuts are widely available in large supermarkets, either in the speciality aisles or near the stuffing mixes.
Soups - 6
Tom Collins: This is warming and luxurious. For vegetarians, substitute the chicken stock with vegetable stock
Soups - 7
Lucas Hollweg: This is gentle, comforting and quietly rich. Don’t be put off by the addition of Pernod — the flavour isn’t too dominant
Soups - 8
Amanda Ursell: A bowl of this warming winter soup is a nutritious start to any meal. Celeriac and potatoes, while not bursting with vitamin C, are useful contributors and one bowl gives more than half our daily needs.
Soups - 9
Jill Dupleix: This parmesan-flavoured cauliflower soup is a wonderful dish to have to hand during the busy Christmas season when guests are popping in. If you prefer it with more of a kick, use blue cheese instead of parmesan, or stir in a good pinch of garam masala
Soups - 10
Lindsey Bareham: Cooking apple gives this simplified bortsch a very agreeable grainy flavour and the sharpness complements the sweetness of beetroot extremely well. The idea came from the novelist Paul Bailey. It is delicious hot but works cold, too, as a healthy detox soup